Redid far too much
In our ever changing project, I spent today (and I do mean all of it) completely changing my patches. I'd already collected the visuals to something I found sufficiently humorous, but as Glenn and dylan worked with combining the netsend/recieve with the hardware it was realized the only efficient way to really do it involved an output of a single integer between 0 and four. This was a far cry from the original expectations of the accelerometer, but not something that was going to come between me and good visuals. Using a suberb six boxes that had been connected by Dylan when the two of us were discussing what needed to be modified, I managed to manipulate the patches so the input consisted of a single slider producing integers between 0 and 4. While a much simplified input, the output actually got a bit refined in the process. Each of the four patches went through another two or so iterations, that I'll update when I'm at a computer with Max on it. Anyhow, that was the big news concerning patch modifications-more later today, no doubt.
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